From this season, we will add a new snowmaking machine made by the Italian company "Technoalpin" to the Sahoro Resort Ski Resort

〇 Significant improvement of slope conditions by introducing high-performance snowmaking machines

Compared to conventional ones, stable snowfall is possible even at high temperatures, and snow quality can be adjusted.
It can fall from heavy snow to powder that is close to natural snowfall
The area where artificial snowfall can be made has also been expanded, which has led to the postponement of the opening due to the lack of snow at the beginning of the season as in recent years.
This will lead to the elimination and significant relaxation of the problem that occurs during the course restriction period, and it will be possible to create slopes that can be enjoyed for a long time during the season

〇 Environmentally friendly by significantly reducing CO2 emissions

Compared to conventional snowmaking machines, CO2 emissions are also significantly reduced, which
We will aim for cleaner slopes that are more environmentally friendly than ever before.

Please look forward to this season's Sahoro Resort Ski Resort, which will be more powerful and more enjoyable